• Anxiety,  Depression,  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder

    Why My Recovery from Symptoms of Mental Illness Scares Me

    Recovery from mental illness is complicated. Figuring out what recovery will realistically look like is complicated. The actual process of recovery is complicated. And figuring out how you feel about your recovery can be more complicated than others may think. For me, recovery is a lifelong process. Due to the nature of my illnesses, some, if not all, will be with me my entire life. What I’m chasing is stability. And right now, I’m fighting to break free from severe symptoms. It might sound a little ridiculous, but, at this stage, my recovery is full of mixed emotions. I’m excited, but also terrified. In the beginning, things looked bleak. Every…

  • Advocacy,  Anxiety,  Cognitive Symptoms,  Depression,  Medication,  PTSD,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    A year in my life with mental illness – 2020

    2020 came at us with teeth. But as we rapidly approach the end of the year, which is also my 30th birthday, I’m beginning to reflect on this past year. For the United States and the world as a whole, it’s been a tumultuous year full of some high points, but many lows. Personally, there have been some bold highlights, but also deep lows. My mental health is always something of a struggle, but I was unprepared for what this year would bring. Things don’t always work out like you expect. This year started with a job change that I thought was going to be perfect. And while there have…