• Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    The Role of Emotional Dysregulation in My Life with Schizoaffective Disorder

    My emotions don’t make sense to me sometimes. They sound foreign – instructions for how to act and respond that are written in code. They build and crash down on me like a tidal wave. And someitmes I can’t even identify what they are. They warp and bend and dance until they all look the same to me, and I don’t like what I see. Even happiness and excitement can become overwhelming and trigger negative feelings or even symptoms for me until I want to scream. This emotional dysregulation has played a key part in my life with schizoaffective disorder, and, looking back, it’s been around long before my diagnosis.…

  • Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    Social Skills, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Accepting My Needs

    “Please.” I twist the word in my mind, stretching it, arcing it, and wringing out every drop of meaning. I never thought I would be learning social skills at 31. I turn “please” and the other words in that sentence of my coworker’s email over and over in my head, playing them in different tones of voice, picturing what it might look like in person. Would her face look like it does when I know she’s happy? And what if I can’t decide what feeling I think is behind it?  I can’t always peer inside your mind the way other people can. Though not due to lack of empathy, identifying…

  • Anxiety,  Depression,  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  Perfectionism,  PTSD,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder

    The Let Down – A dangerous place for mental illness

    At the end of a stressful event or series of events, whether good or bad, comes the let down. I’m the type of person who will put my head down and try (not always successfully) to power through a situation. I give it my all, draining myself of energy, emotion, and strength. But once I’ve given every ounce of my mind, body, and soul, I feel like I have nothing left. The emptiness aches so much that it welcomes all of the thoughts and feelings I fight to keep at bay. The let down is a dangerous place for me. When there is nothing left of a situation to push…

  • Depression,  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  PTSD,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder

    The Right to Feel – How I Stopped Blaming Myself for My Mental Illness

    I’ve felt like I don’t have a right to be as broken as I am. I grew up with a loving family. We weren’t wealthy, but I never wanted for necessities. Growing up, the largest trauma I thought I faced was my parents’ amicable divorce. My mom moved several times, remarried, and my brother and I had to change elementary schools, but I actually preferred the new school. I can’t look back and spot significant hardship until high school.  Lately, I argue with my psychiatrist – that others have had it worse. That I don’t have a right to feel this emotional turmoil. Yes, I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder…

  • Hallucinations,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    The Ghosts – An Inside Look at One of My Hallucinations

    I call them the ghosts. They aren’t really spirits, but I can only catch a glimpse of them before they’re gone. Dressed in soft-looking shirts in shades of white and ivory, they carry out everyday tasks. Their presence is neutral – neither threatening nor overly hopeful. Calm and content, they go about their business with only a passing glance thrown my way. I know they are not real, but I feel like I am seeing them for a reason. And I am dying to know what that is. After seeing the third one, I began to notice the pattern. She stood indoors near the side door of our apartment building.…

  • Anxiety,  Perfectionism,  Recovery

    Irrational and Unreasonable – Why You Don’t Have To Understand My Anxiety

    My fate is resting in my hands. If I make the wrong choice, my entire life could fall apart. My nerves chatter with anxiety and it wraps itself around my throat. I can’t make this decision. It’s too important and I’m sure I’ll make the wrong choice. So I turn to my boyfriend and ask the question – “Which of these shirts should I wear today?” It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? It is. It’s irrational. It’s unreasonable. And I am fully aware of that. Logically, I know that the world will not explode if I wear the wrong shirt. Is there even a right or wrong shirt for a Saturday…

  • Hallucinations,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    Suppressed Feelings and Psychosis

    My doctor once told me that I experience my feelings visually. By this, she meant the visual hallucinations I was experiencing at the time were manifestations of the feelings that I was either suppressing or struggling to resolve. But it’s not just visual hallucinations. For several weeks I’ve been experiencing recurring auditory hallucinations. During therapy my doctor again pointed out that these hallucinations are my feelings come to life. It’s not always obvious what they mean though. And there are some for which I have no explanation. Or maybe there’s an explanation and I just have yet to find it. There are others with psychosis who use the meanings behind…