
Articles that discuss schizophrenia and related topics

  • Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    The evolution of a diagnosis

    You look “normal” To most people, I look “normal.” I’ve had countless people tell me that I don’t look like I have a mental illness, particularly one as severe as schizoaffective disorder. Sometimes they question what would actually happen if I stop taking my medications. I’ve even had two psychiatrists and an urgent care physician question my diagnosis before really listening to me and my story. What I’ve gathered from all of this is two things. First, the stereotype that all people with schizophrenia are bedraggled and screaming at things that aren’t there is, unfortunately, still alive and well (but we’ll cover that more in another post). Second, I’ve learned…

  • Anxiety,  Depression,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    On opening up about a diagnosis

    Opening up is easier said than done There’s so much fear involved in opening up about a diagnosis or symptoms. It’s incredibly common for people to feel like their loved ones will abandon them or think poorly of them if they speak up about what’s happening. Fear is often joined by denial, and these feelings can be so strong that many people remain silent even as their conditions deteriorate to critical levels. My struggle with speaking up I have a very supportive family who always made it clear that I could tell them anything, but I struggled to tell them about the depression I’d been experiencing since I was a…

  • Anxiety,  Depression,  Eating Disorders,  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  PTSD,  Recovery,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    What does recovery mean?

    What does recovery mean in terms of mental health? And what does it mean to be recovered from a mental illness? Are there still meds involved? Are you free and clear? Will it last forever? Throughout my time in mental health advocacy, I’ve heard a lot of people talk about recovery, and, while I do feel like the way the term “full recovery” is used is sometimes misleading, what I’ve learned is that recovery is very personal in both the process and the meaning. I hadn’t really thought about it before When I attended training at the Chicago chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness to be a Crisis…

  • Anxiety,  Depression,  Eating Disorders,  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  PTSD,  Schizoaffective Disorder,  Schizophrenia

    Mental illness isn’t one size fits all

    Any time you interact with someone with a mental health condition, there’s one very important thing to remember – as the stereotypes you know from movies and media start creeping into your view of them, remember that everyone is different and mental illness isn’t one size fits all. You know how some people are tall and some people are short? Or how some people have blonde hair and others have brown? Guess what – mental illness is the same way! Sure, some people have those stereotypical symptoms, but a lot of people don’t, and that doesn’t mean they aren’t truly experiencing it or don’t fall under the same class of…